Serving as a committee member for a National Academies consensus study on grades K-12 data science education
I was appointed as a committee member to a National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine consensus study, Developing Competencies for the Future of Data and Computing: The Role of K-12.
The task involves delving into existing research in varied research disciplines and collaboratively crafting a report. The goal is to provide insights and guidelines that could inform and enhance how data science is taught at the grades K-12 level.
I am cautiously optimistic that this could be a landmark in the field. In science education, the Framework for K-12 Science Education (a National Academies consensus study report) directly influenced the science standards adopted in most U.S. states (and the standards in other countries). If this report can be 10% as impactful, I think it could be worth the effort and time.
The rough timeline is five in-person convenings over the next 18 months (interspersed with activities and opportunities for input), with the publication of the report in late Fall 2025.
I'm approaching this role with a sense of responsibility and a collaborative mindset. I'm looking forward to this journey and the opportunity to share insights and developments as the study progresses.